Already 6 Weeks Old!

Dear Lucy,You are already 6 weeks old! You weigh a little bit more than 10 pounds right now (this is of course using my method of weighing myself with you on our scale)! Since your 4 week post, I have had two more weeks to spend with you! I…

Lucy is 4 Weeks Old!

My baby girl is 4 weeks old today! Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 4 Weeks Lucy Marie! You didn't have a 2 week doctor's appointment since your doctor was on vacation. Instead, you had a 3 1/2 week check up. You weighed 8 lbs and 11.5 oz (50%) You…

Lucy’s Third Week of Life

Monday - Lucy Turns 2 weeks old!  Jason worked that morning, and came back for lunch when Randy had to leave. We went on a walk, but it was kind of hot and I think that it made Lucy act weird for the next few hours. She had projectile…

Lucy’s Birth Story – Part 2

So after laboring from about 11:00pm to 4:00am at home, I finally lost my nerve and decided I would rather be at a hospital. Jason had tried to convince me to keep going, since we both knew it would be easier to labor at home, but I told him…

Lucy’s Birth Story – Part 1

Lucy is three weeks old today - and it is really the first chance that I have had to sit down and write out her birth story!Lucy surprised us by coming a week early! Since I was about 39 weeks pregnant, I was beginning to get those questions -…

Time to be Daderrific

So, it has been about a bajillion years since I have written a blog post.  Actually, I don't think I have written one this entire year so far, which is totally unfair to Laura, although she did have way more things, thoughts, perspectives to talk about since being pregnant.…

37 Weeks – Full Term!

How Far Along? 37 Weeks and 3 days! Only 3 weeks to go! I can't hardly wait! Total Weight Gain/Loss: +24ish Baby Related Purchases: We have been "showered" beyond belief by many wonderful friends and family members. I think that we have everything we need! I'm sure that we will discover more things after…