My name is Laura, I’m married to Jason and the mom of 3. Lucy is our oldest at 5 and is in Kindergarten. Bridget is 3 and Josiah is 1.
When we were newly married we had a lot of time to blog! I found myself reading blogs about DIY home projects all the time and decided to participate in the blogging world. With each child, we have blogged less and less, mainly posting updates on our children’s birthdays. However, this fall, we took the leap into homeschooling! I have again learned so much from reading other homeschooling mom’s blogs. I hope to post more regularly again, mainly to just keep a record of our journey.
Currently, Lucy is the only one who is doing school work at home. We are mainly working on learning how to read and math as well as keeping up with the two homeschool co-ops that we participate in. Bridget and Josiah have been good sports as we have made this transition as a family. Part of my learning curve has been keeping them busy and occupied (and safe!) while I work with Lucy.