Hi Friends! I’m excited to offer this free download! This is a drawing tutorial from We Draw to Learn: Cycle 3 Science that matches up with Classical Conversations Science Memory Work. This download is for CC Cycle 3 Science Weeks 1-3. This is three sets of drawings of the 24 sets included in the e-book. This download includes CC Cycle 3 Week 1 – Four Types of Tissue, CC Cycle 3 Week 2 – Bones in the Axial Skeleton, and CC Cycle 3 Week 3 – Three Kinds of Muscle. This download is similar to the free downloads I did for Classical Conversations Cycle 1 and Classical Conversations Cycle 2.
Even if you don’t do Classical Conversations but are teaching your kids or students about Anatomy, Chemistry, or Physics this school year, this ebook is a perfect way for them to learn and/or memorize these science facts. When you are finished, show off your work by tagging @WeDrawToLearn on Instagram and Facebook. The download will give you a taste of what the ebook is like. For each week, there is at least one page of how to draw instructions, a black and white coloring page, and a colored final version. More screen shots can be found on the Etsy sales page for We Draw to Learn: CC Cycle 3 Science.

Our drawing tutorials are designed to help your students learn science facts while also learning how to draw them! Did you know that drawing dramatically aids knowledge retention? Studies show that drawing information can improve recall by more than double compared to just writing the information down! Happy Drawing! 🙂
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