I’m excited to share that CC Cycle 3 Science E-Book is now available to purchase! It’s called “We Draw to Learn: Cycle 3 Science” and you can check it out on Etsy! This book coincides with the memory work that all Classical Conversations communities will be studying in the 2023-2024 school year. This E-book has step-by-step drawing instructions for all 24 weeks of Classical Conversations Cycle 3 science memory work. The topics are Anatomy, Chemistry, and Origins and work well for anyone using CC Cycle 3 in the fall or any other science curriculum on these topics. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Thanks Jason Baareman for your encouragement on this! And my kids who were my models and first customers! These kids also sacrificed some time with mom during the end stages of this project!

The Details…
A comprehensive how-to-draw guide for all 24 weeks of Classical Conversations (CC) Cycle 3 Science Memory Work. Each drawing includes at least one page of step-by-step drawing illustrations, a final colored drawing, and a black and white final drawing which can be used as a coloring page. Science topics include Anatomy, Chemistry, and Origins. 85 pages total. A video flip-through is here: https://youtu.be/YUqV2lP1Tr8
These drawing instructions are a wonderful resource to supplement science memory work from Classical Conversations (CC) Cycle 3. This is a digital PDF file that will be instantly emailed to you from Etsy. You can print at home or send the file to a print/copy shop to print and bind for you! Personally, I print the files and put them in a half-inch binder. 🙂
- Designed to help your students learn science facts while also learning how to draw them!
- Drawing dramatically aids knowledge retention! Studies show that drawing information can improve recall by more than double compared to just writing the information down!
- Draw and color science facts to make a notebook you can be proud of!
My Story
As a homeschool mom, I’m always looking for ways to maximize our learning and help my kids remember the information I am teaching the best. We were trying to learn memory work one semester and I sadly realized we hadn’t done nearly as much drawing as I had originally planned – there just wasn’t enough time for everything.
Then it dawned on me, why not do both at once? Why not draw what we are learning about? Why not expand drawing skills and also enhance our memory on the subject and its parts? Instead of just learning to draw, we can be intentional with WHAT we are learning to draw and DRAW TO LEARN valuable educational information!
So many of the how-to-draw books designed for kids have the same basic set of drawings: animals, basic figures, food, etc. But kids are able to draw so much more than these simple subjects. Why not draw the layers of the atmosphere? Why not learn to draw the types of invertebrates? Instead of just learning to draw, how about we draw TO learn and do both simultaneously?
This product is my answer to these questions and I’m excited to share it with you!