First of all, a warm and heartfelt thank you, thank you, thank you to all you have donated in support of this trip! A trip like this would not be possible without your generous support and thoughtfulness. And if your are reading this for the first time and curious about supporting me, you can click here for all of the information.
But today, I wanted to send a out a prayer calendar. While supporting a mission effort financially is super helpful, prayer support is just as important if not more important. It is vital that prayer be at the forefront of any mission trip that is working to spread the good news of Jesus. So below you will find a daily breakdown of a few things to pray for or at least a few things to help get you praying about the Ecuador trip. And if you would like to print this document out to keep in your Bible or put on a refrigerator, you can download the prayer calendar by clicking here.
I sincerely thank you all for the way in which you are being an active participant in reaching people with Gospel in Ecuador!!!
Sat. July 22
Sun. July 23
Mon. July 24
Tues. July 25
Wed. July 26
Thurs. July 27
Fri. July 28
Sat. July 29
Pray that we would arrive safely to Atlanta Airport without delays
Pray that our check in process with all of our supplies will go smoothly
Pray that God will provide safe flight travel to Ecuador
Pray that there will be no issues while going through customs and that God would grant us favor to enter the country with all of our supplies
Pray for safe travel from the airport to our hotel.
Pray for Pastor Christian as he preaches to his church this morning
Pray for unity in diversity as we fellowship with the local church .
Pray that our afternoon preparations will go smoothly and that our team will stay healthy
Pray for that our team will be unified and that we will have time to rest before a busy week.
Pray that the Gospel message presented this week will penetrate the hearts of the people.
Pray for the people of Pilgaran
Pray for that we will have safe travel to the clinic site
Pray that the clinic set up and operation will go smoothly
Pray that many from Pilgaran will come to the clinic
Pray that the message of Pastor Christian will stir people’s heart to believe in Jesus
Pray that we will have safe travel back to the hotel and get good rest
Pray of the people of Alogincho
Pray that we will have safe travel to the clinic site
Pray that the clinic set up and operation will go smoothly
Pray that there will not be harassment from the community
Pray that the message of Pastor Christian will stir people’s heart to believe in Jesus
Pray for safe travel back to the hotel
Pray for the people of Carapungo
Pray for safety as we travel and set up the clinic
Pray for the team that we would continue to be healthy and have good energy and stamina
Pray for Pastor Christian as he preaches the Gospel
Pray for a continued spirit of compassion and servant heart within our team members at this midweek point
Pray for good rest for the team as we arrive back at our hotel
Pray for the people of Catzuqui de Leticia
Pray for the members of Pastor Christian’s Church that their faith would be strengthened through this effort and they would be energized to continue discipleship with people that they meet and interact with in the clinic over the past week.
Pray that the clinic will run smoothly with no issues
Pray for good rest this evening for the team
Pray for the people of Catzuqui de Placer
Pray for energy and continued excellence in healthcare delivery of our team even as we tire from a long week.
Pray for safety in all of the travel as we return to the United States