Lucy is 2 Months Old!

Age: 2 months
Weight: 11+ lbs. (to be precise, she weighed 11 lbs. 4 oz at her 2 month appointment. That puts her at 70% 
Length: 22 3/4 in. = 50% – head size was also 50% at 2 month visit 

Size: moved up to size 1 diapers – we had way too many newborn ones and had to return them! She is starting to outgrow her newborn clothes and we started trying on some new 1-3 month and 3 month outfits! 
Schedule: She usually sleep from about 9pm to 4am, feed at 4, then goes back to bed until 7am when we wake her up. Me and Jason take turns playing with her in our bed while the other takes a shower. Once Jason leaves for work, I play with her and give her a bath until about 9am when she takes another nap while I start work. I wake her around 11:30 and she is up for most the day until another evening nap. This schedule has changed a lot over the past month though. 

What can she do now?

  • Her social smile emerged this month! Actually a little before 2 months. It is the cutest smile I’ve ever seen! 
  • She makes talking noises/coos now! She tends to do this in the evening the most. 

  • Stand on her own two legs – when supported of course. She loves standing in my lap. 
  • She can focus on an object and track it as it moves. We have also noticed that she tracks us as we walk across the room. I don’t think she could see that far before. 
  • She can sleep about 7.5 hours at a time. So if I make sure to feed her before I go to sleep, I can get a full night’s rest! However, this doesn’t normally happen, so still waking up 1 time around 4:00am each night. She is a very quick eater during the night though – so it isn’t too bad. 
  • She has been sleeping and napping in her crib since about 4 weeks. 
  • Turns her head a lot when lying on her back
  • Can bat at objects with her arms/hands
  • Has discovered her hands and loves to play with them, hold her own hands, suck on her fist, hands, fingers, etc. 
  • She still is not a fan of tummy time, but can hold her head up for awhile – she would rather  hold her head up when someone is holding her in a sitting or standing position 
  • Lift head and legs off group while on tummy 
  • Can turn from back to side and side to back – she enjoys “side time” much more than tummy time 

Celebrations from the past month:
  • Had lots of fun times with our church small group and Lucy did so well at all of them! She is a very flexible baby most of the time – so we are super thankful! We had a small group potluck at the Reddings when she had just turned 1 month. 
  • In August, I started a new part-time work from home job through my dad’s company. At first, I had to primarily work while Lucy was asleep. However, during the past month she has become much more alert and wanting to play more and more. So this past week (at around 2.5 months, we got a babysitter to help out about 5 hours a day 3-4 days a week). This has already helped out a lot since I felt so bad having to focus on work when Lucy wanted to play with me! Now I know that she is getting the attention she needs while I focus on work, so that when I pick her up, I can give her all of my attention again. I keep her with me in the mornings still since I can work during her morning nap and I get to enjoy playing with her and giving her a bath after she wakes up.  
  • We’ve had lots of visitors – Audrey and Alex stopped by, more friends from church brought dinner for us, 
  • We visited Kristen and Ben in Atlanta to see their new house, and also visited Nana and Papa for Lucy to meet them the first time. That same weekend, Lucy also had her first trip to an Outlet Mall – I think she will enjoy it MUCH more in the future. 
  • We’ve had lots of baby showers this month for friends who are expecting. We are so excited for Christy & Paul, Marie and Brandon, and Marybeth and James! 
  • We went to the lake house and Lucy did better than ever! She stayed with Gigi a few times while I got to go out on the boat. 
  • I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight! This happened faster than I thought without crazy exercise, other than walks around the neighborhood! I credit breastfeeding since I’m eating a lot still!
Lucy – we love you so much! You have brought so much joy to our lives it is unbelievable! I can say without a doubt that although working and caring for a newborn have had its share of challenges, these past two months have been the BEST of my life. I love watching you grow and discover new things, and I feel so undeserving to be your mom. I’m so thankful for the healthy, beautiful girl that God blessed us with. There is nothing better than holding you, giving you hugs, and tell you I love you! 

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