How Far Along? 37 Weeks and 3 days! Only 3 weeks to go! I can’t hardly wait!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +24ish
Baby Related Purchases: We have been “showered” beyond belief by many wonderful friends and family members. I think that we have everything we need! I’m sure that we will discover more things after the birth, but after some returns of duplicate shower gifts, we are pretty set! Yay!
Here are some pics of stuff from a shower my mom’s friends threw for me in Atlanta. It was themed “I Love Lucy” and was super cute!
Jason and I have purchased a few last minute items, including this pic for her nursery – look for a “Nursery Reveal” post soon! We also bought some pink and white flowers and a vase from Michaels.
Stretch marks: Crossing my fingers that this isn’t an issue – because I have been too lazy to use any stretch mark cream!
Sleep: Getting a little worse – but still only up about 2-3 times a night and can fall back asleep.
Movement: Kicking is getting a lot stronger. It was fun to have an ultrasound this week an find out what limb was what. Now I know that kicks on my right side are her legs!
What I miss: Wearing my old clothes! I’m down to just a few outfits these days.
Cravings: Luigi’s Italian Ice – love those things!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Thankful for this!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: No – but I did have a Doctor’s appointment at 36 and 37 weeks and today they told me I am between 1-2 cm dilated! Woo-Hoo!
Symptoms: Back still hurts towards the end of the night, also having some heartburn, and weird muscle soreness at random times. But other than that – I can’t complain! Energy level is still not too bad.
Belly Button In or Out? Partially “out” – this is why I am avoiding tight shirts!
Happy or Moody most of the time: We have had an eventful two weeks! Mostly good things with a shower in Atlanta and Lake House weekend with friends. I’m really looking forward to our first weekend in Augusta in quite some time – Jason will be studying for his boards for most of it.
Worries: Praise Jesus that my ultrasound went well at 36 weeks and she measured at 6 lbs, +/- 6 oz. which was about 50% for that week. Today my doctor said that even though I am measuring a bit small (stomach wise), the baby is normal and her head is down – all good news!
Best moments this week: Since these are my only blog posts these days, I have a lot to say in this section!
We had a lot of fun in Atlanta when we went to visit for the shower. On Friday night, we got to visit with my parents, then on Saturday we had a jam-packed day – visiting with Jason’s family, running errands, lunch with my mom and Jason’s mom, the shower, dinner with Jason’s parents, etc. Here’s Jason and me opening some gifts from the Baareman’s and some of their Starkville friends:
Last weekend, we went to the lake house with some friends – we had a great time and the weather was perfect! I even got tanned/burned for the first time this year! As you can probably tell, we have been trying to fit in as much fun time as possible before this baby is born and it has been kind of exhausting! I think we will be laying low in Augusta until Lucy makes her appearance!
In other news- one of our friends Lesley-Anne offered to give us a maternity photo session – what a great gift – especially since they turned out so great! Here are some of our favorite pics from the session that we will hopefully frame!
Looking forward to: This baby being born – I am so curious when she will be born, how the birth will go, what she will look like, etc. etc. etc. – I have always been a curious/inpatient person, so I’m about done waiting!
Size of Baby: Your baby is now considered “full term,” even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you’re planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there’s a medical reason to intervene earlier.) Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don’t be surprised if your baby’s hair isn’t the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Get caught up!
- Our Video Announcement
- How We Found Out
- 6 Weeks
- 7 Weeks
- 8 Weeks
- 9 Weeks
- 10 Weeks
- 11 Weeks
- 11 Weeks (Part 2)
- 12 Weeks
- 15 Weeks
- 16 Weeks
- 17 Weeks
- 18 Weeks
- 19 Weeks
- 20 Weeks/Ultrasound/It’s a Girl!
- 21 Weeks
- 22 Weeks
- 23 Weeks
- 24 Weeks
- 25-27 Weeks
- 28 Weeks
- 29-31 Weeks
- 32-33 Weeks
- 34-35 Weeks
The "Lucy" picture is my favorite. It's a great shot!