What’s new these past two weeks? I’m getting huge! See two pics above for evidence!
How Far Along? 33 Weeks! Only 7 weeks to go!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +20ish
Baby Related Purchases: We bought a rug from Ebay, some baskets for the bookshelf from Lowe’s, some pillows from Target, and a lamp and lampshade from Target (still not sure about the lamp, if a better one comes along, I might return it…). Lucy also continues to be showered with gifts! Jason’s parents brought us lots of diapers for her as well as two cute outfits.
Stretch marks: Don’t think so – but I got a few sample sizes of some stretch mark lotion, so I might try that soon.
Sleep: After about 3 weeks of no Snoogle, I was VERY happy to get it from my parents this weekend when they brought it from the Lake House when they visited for Jason’s graduation! I no longer take up 75% of the bed!
Movement: The kicking and movement has gotten crazy over the past week or so! It happens a lot more often and is a lot stronger. It doesn’t really hurt, and it is hilarious to watch my stomach move all around!
What I miss: Laying on my stomach, having a waist, getting to buy/try on normal cute clothes, drinking wine to celebrate special occasions (like Jason’s Graduation!!!!)
Cravings: Pretty much just more quantity of food I liked before. I have started eating lots of tropical trail mix though – I guess that’s new.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Thankful for this!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: The size of my stomach is finally starting to get in my way. I think I painted my toenails for the last time this week…even tying my shoes is getting really difficult – haha!
Belly Button In or Out? Partially “out” – this is why I am avoiding tight shirts!
Happy or Moody most of the time: This has been a great two weeks! So happy about Jason’s graduation and the nursery coming together!
Worries: These past two weekes have been preoccupied with one thing – DAYCARE! I have been all around town visiting all sorts of friends recommendations and trying to compare the pros and cons of each. It is really hard to determine which one is the right choice, or if we should wait to find someone who can watch her in their home. I am still open to options, so if anyone knows of a good caretaker in Augusta- please comment or let me know!
Best moments this week: Since these are my only blog posts these days, I have a lot to say in this section! Two weeks ago, we ended the week with a bang. I had Chick-Fil-A Leadercast with work (which I really enjoyed), and Jason had his last day of PT school ever on Friday! Then, we had Relay for Life that night. The next morning, we got up and went to Doctor’s Hospital for the weekend Labor and Delivery class. Unfortunately, Jason had starting getting sick around Wednesday, and by Saturday he was really not feeling well. We took him to UrgentMD during our class lunch break and got him meds as fast as possible after the class. On Sunday he wasn’t feeling much better, but we finished up our class anyways. We learned a lot and are glad we went.
On Monday, Jason experienced his first day of post-PT-school-freedom, but was took sick to enjoy it! 🙁 He drove to Atlanta to pick up his brother Chris, who spent the week of graduation with us. Poor Chris had a pretty sickly host for the first few days or so! Although I had to work last week, we did have some way better than normal dinners due to our guest. I made Chicken Tortilla Soup one night and Jason made homemade BBQ chicken the next night. We also went out to Brusters one night with Chris.
On Wednesday night, Jason’s parents got into town and we again enjoyed some frozen treats – this time at Tuttit Frutti. On Thursday, Jason and his fam hung out, and I met up with them around 6 pm at the Bell Auditorium for Jason’s Hooding Ceremony – the first official event of his graduation.
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Jason with his family |
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Jason with my mom and dad and me |
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With Michael and Angelyn – Michael graduated that day too! We were getting a kick out of their hats! |
After graduation, we went to 5 O’Clock Bistro for a delicious dinner – and prior to that, took some pics with the Diploma! Jason is officially a Doctor and done with 3 years of PT School! Yay!
Looking forward to: My next holiday – which is Memorial Day at the Lake House!
Get caught up!
- Our Video Announcement
- How We Found Out
- 6 Weeks
- 7 Weeks
- 8 Weeks
- 9 Weeks
- 10 Weeks
- 11 Weeks
- 11 Weeks (Part 2)
- 12 Weeks
- 15 Weeks
- 16 Weeks
- 17 Weeks
- 18 Weeks
- 19 Weeks
- 20 Weeks/Ultrasound/It’s a Girl!
- 21 Weeks
- 22 Weeks
- 23 Weeks
- 24 Weeks
- 25-27 Weeks
- 28 Weeks
- 29-31 Weeks
Congrats to Jason on graduating!!!
You aren't huge at all, you look adorable. I'm bigger than you and I'm not even 28 weeks yet. I'm blaming it on the fact that I'm old and this is baby number three LOL
You aren't the only one excited about Memorial Day Weekend. We have a cabin rented for 4 whole days and I can't wait 🙂
How do I add your ideas to my pinterest acct? Thanks I love your style.
Thanks Angie! Have you had your baby yet? Lucy is now 11 weeks old! I can't believe how the time flies!
Deb – you add ideas to pinterest by adding the Pin it button to your toolbar. Then you just click the "Pin it" button whenever you are on a website with ideas you like – there's more info here: http://pinterest.com/about/goodies/