*Note* – This week has been like none other. I’ve been sick with a cough and cold bug that will NOT go away! I guess I can thank my weakened immune system for that. I’m pretty spoiled in the fact that I don’t get sick too often, and when I do, I normally just load up on Dayquil during the day and Nyquil at night (a winning combination). After a few days of that, I’m normally good to go. Well, being pregnant, I know that I can’t take very strong medication – if any at all. When I first got sick in Week 21, I thought “I’ll just tough it out – how bad could it be?” Well about 5 days into that, I gave up, looked up which non-prescribed medications were okay, and decided to take those. Well, those were so weak they really didn’t do anything for me. The entire week has been full of me questioning, “What’s worse? To be really sick for a long time while pregnant? Risk my cold developing into an infection while pregnant? Or risking taking medications that aren’t 100% verified safe for a developing baby?” Finally, today I called my doctor and they called in some medications to my local pharmacy for me to take. After about 10 days of sickliness I’m ready for a solution! My mom sent me an email from one of her friends about JuicePlus – a fruits and vegetable supplement that anyone can take, but is especially recommended for pregnant women. After reading this article, I was convinced that this might help me avoid getting sick again, and might make me and the baby healthier over the next 4 months of development. I bought one month’s supply on Amazon – I’ll let you know how that goes!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +10-11 – it’s hard to eat when you can’t breathe through your nose – *sigh*
Baby Related Purchases: We travelled to Atlanta this past weekend for a flurry of activities. Although we thought we were only going to celebrate L’s birthday, we ended up celebrating little S’s birthday as well. L got a delicious chocolate cake homemade by his big sister S. Little S got a yummy oreo ice cream cake from Bruster’s! While we were there, my parents gave us an adorable fancy little white dress for Lucy, complete with baby shoes and socks. Kristen and Ben also gave us a thank-you gift for the wedding shower we threw them and gave us a travel sleeper for the baby and some cute little pink caps and socks. I also got some much needed advice from my mom and sister about the baby’s room. So far, the plan has changed a bit to the following: White Crib (which I finally ordered this week!), mint green wall paint, same quilt, home-made pink window coverings (will need to get some fabric after the quilt arrives), hot pink accents, and a white changing table (preferably a refinished antique one). Also, I got some maternity dresses in anticipation of spring and some fun upcoming wedding events for my sister Kristen (Bridesmaid’s Luncheon, Rehearsal Dinner, etc.). I can’t wait for them to arrive in the mail! I also got a few maternity button up shirts for work.
Stretch marks: Not that I can see
Sleep: Me and the Snoogle have a love-hate relationship. This week, I have decided that breathing is more important than sleeping on my side, so I have been sleeping on my back due to my cold/cough/sickness.
Movement: I feel little Lucy move just about every day now. It is really fun and one of my favorite parts about being pregnant. I’m trying to figure out when she moves the most, but so far it is different every day.
What I miss: This week I am missing my strong cough/cold meds. I never realized how liberating it was to take meds with only yourself (not a tiny fetus) in mind! Basically every medicine warns against “Pregnant Women” taking it. UGH!
Cravings: Haven’t had as much of an appetite this week. Although I should mention that I have been eating a LOT of popcorn (great, healthy, salty snack in my opinion), and I made Chex Muddy Buddies this week – YUM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: GIRL! So happy 🙂
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Like mentioned above, my weakened immune system is VERY obvious this week.
Belly Button In or Out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy – had lots of fun in Atlanta with my family this past weekend.
Worries: That it will take me too long to get better, or that my sickness might turn into an infection.
Best moments this week: On Friday night, we drove into Atlanta and got to hang out with family. On Saturday, I went on a long walk with my mom (one of my favorite things!), got to see Kristen get her hair done for the wedding (practice run), went to lunch with mom and S, got some last minute presents for the shower and the birthday parties, celebrated the birthday kiddos and got to see my grandparents briefly, then was off to get Fox Brothers BBQ and prep for Kristen and Ben’s Coed Shower. The shower went really well and everyone had a great time. I’m so excited about their wedding coming up in just 4 weeks! Here’s a pic of the cute couple:
Looking forward to: This week I started to get really excited about when baby Lucy arrives. I just can’t wait! I’m already really excited! July 1 can’t get here soon enough!
Size of Baby: Approx. the size of a spaghetti squash. Side Note – leave it to me to discover a “Fetus Viability Chart” this week. It was really cool to find out that over the next 4 or so weeks, the babies viability will skyrocket to 90% – yay!

Get caught up!
- Our Video Announcement
- How We Found Out
- 6 Weeks
- 7 Weeks
- 8 Weeks
- 9 Weeks
- 10 Weeks
- 11 Weeks
- 11 Weeks (Part 2)
- 12 Weeks
- 13 Weeks – coming soon
- 14 Weeks – coming soon
- 15 Weeks
- 16 Weeks
- 17 Weeks
- 18 Weeks
- 19 Weeks
- 20 Weeks/Ultrasound/It’s a Girl!
- 21 Weeks
I take juice plus and love it! It was so great for me that matt started taking it. He loves it too! Totally worth the investment. Also, emergenc is a great natural immune builder I usually take at the first sign of sickness 🙂