So, I think I got my weeks mixed up…blame it on the pregnancy brain right? Or it could be due to the fact that I am writing these during Week 12? Oh well…
This past week can be summed up with:
- Lots of work at MAU getting ready for the switch to Avionte, our new company-wide database.
- Feeling better and naively thinking I was “out of the woods” ha!
- Jason and I frantically making like 80 Chocolate Crinkle Cookies for the MAU Cookie Exchange. Then experiencing Oreo Balls for the first time – yes, we will be making those!
- Last Bible Study of the year – we finished up our study of Romans. Marie made some amazing homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and grilled cheese for us to enjoy together before Bible Study started. She also had some of this Chocolate Cake for us, so check out her blog to find these great recipes and more! The previous week, Anne and Charlie made some meatloaf for everyone before Bible Study too. Maybe we have started a trend!
- On Friday, I took a half day to travel to Charleston with my hubby to celebrate our 3 Year Wedding Anniversary! We had so much fun! Jason actually wrote an entire post about it – so click here to read more and see some pics!