My Best Friend’s Wedding – Amy and Justin Get Hitched!

Amy, my best friend from way back in High School got hitched way back in August. I’m glad I am just now getting to blog about it, because now I get to include some of her amazing professional photos! Her wedding was absolutely beautiful and very “Amy & Justin” in every way. Here’s a recap of the day (and day before…)


After our Bachelorette Adventures in Breckenridge (that I already wrote about), Colleen, Amy, and I headed drove back to Denver to drop Colleen off at the airport. Sadly, due to her job as a Meteorologist in Dallas, she had to head home to be back on Saturday morning. The drive was absolutely beautiful!

Our first stop was Becca’s house and where we took some pics in her garden outside.

The rest of the day was spent meeting up with people, getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, last minute wedding preparations, etc. At one point, we ended up grabbing lunch with Justin and Steven and Amy’s parents at a cool place near their new apartment. 

That night we had the rehearsal for the ceremony at the venue (a really beautiful park in Denver). Here’s Amy and Justin getting some instructions from their pastor.

 And the bridesmaids, Becca and Heidi, hanging out in the HOT sunshine!

 Me, Justin’s sister Courtney, and MOH Katie 
 Aren’t the garden’s beautiful? 

Thank goodness Courtney took some photos of the rehearsal dinner – I have none! Thanks Courtney! The rehearsal was held at their church near the ceremony venue. We had delicious BBQ and enjoyed toasts, and an adorable slideshow full of  photos of Amy and Justin.

Cute little board with clothespins for us to write our advice to the Bride and Groom! 

 A special seat for the future Mr. and Mrs. Murphy! 
 Courtney set up this really cute photo collage with pics of Amy and Justin’s engagement: 

 Our table – we spent lots of time preparing for our toasts! 
 Bride and Groom! 🙂 
That night, the Wedding Party got to hang out in downtown Denver before we all crashed at Becca’s place and got our beauty rest for the next day!


On the wedding day, we all got up, had breakfast, and started working on the flowers and other last minute wedding items. Katie, Courtney, and I went with Amy to get her hair done and got lunch at Subway. together.

The rest of the day was a blur with getting ready and the wedding itself. Here are some of the beautiful photos that her photographer Lauren Perkins captured
 Helping the bride get ready… 
Getting her veil on was easier said than done!  

 The Beautiful Bride! 
Getting ready at the venue included setting out the aisle runner. 
Here are some photos from the ceremony. It was super hot and sunny, but also super beautiful! She got our adorable dresses from Ann Taylor on clearance and they only cost around $60!!! 

First Kiss!
Amy and Justin danced down the aisle = Super Cute! 

 Me and Steven (friend from college)

 All of us 🙂

 Awe! So happy to be a part of your Big Day Amy! 🙂

 Cute shoes…that goes for both of you…

 Best transportation to the reception I’ve seen yet!

 First Dance – I capture this on video and had to share!

Mother-Son dance, you can see me in the background faithfully catching all this for the blog!

Seriously, the BEST DJ ever! We partied hard that night and had a blast! 
Katie giving her MOH toast 
Best Best-Man speech I’ve heard in awhile, made everyone laugh…
Especially Amy and Justin (and Steven)
Here’s the adorable flower girl and ring bearer a little tucker out…
Cutting the cake 
Having fun 😉

Getting Amy ready for the garter toss – with her hand-made garter

And, the last dance, before…
Riding off into the sunset! 

We love you Amy and Justin! Congratulations and God Bless Your Marriage! We wish you many long and happy years ahead! 
Love, the Baaremans 

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