Fall is in the air! In Augusta, that means we’ve hit a chilly low of 60 degrees! Maybe more so than the cooler temps is the fact that it has been cloudy for the last 5 days or so. This gets me in the mood for the these fall “must-haves”….
Fall Decor
Fall Wheelbarrow with “Welcome” Sign
I just paved the way for this one by pulling out a really nasty looking bush by our front door. Make way for cute fall-“ish” wheelbarrow!
Jason is actually debating about building one of these for me. It will probably look more like this:
Next up: Fall Porch
~I like the subdued colors in this one~
~Love the garland and wreaths. Maybe a tad too many pumpkins though.~
~I’d be surprised if I made it through the season without splurging on some mums.~
Gotta Have: Fall Wreath
Project to Take On: Fall Initial (I hope this is as easy as it looks!)
Fall Food
Butternut Squash Soup (also tried and true)
This fall, I’m also going to try to my friend Angelyn’s recipe: Maple Roasted Butternut Sqaush with Pancetta, Garlic, and Sage.
Fall Fashion
I’m ready to bust out the coats and sweaters! Do I have clothes like this? Not really. Would I wear them if I did? Probably not. But a girl can dream! 🙂
Until Next Time,