Weekend Recap: Soup Kitchen, Yard Work, and Movies Galore!

This past weekend (Sept. 9-11), we played it pretty low key. Since last weekend, we were at the lake, and next weekend, I’ll be in Savannah for a Bachelorette party, we decided to soak up the fact that we had almost no plans for the entire weekend!

On Friday night, I went to the gym and did some hard core weight lifting. I really pushed myself and was sore like 3 days later! The plan is to do the same routine tonight, we will see if that happens…Right now, I’m doing a combo of weight lifting ideas from the Abs Diet Book, P90X, and some stuff I have seen other people do. I have never fully committed to a program like P90X, but I do know that my company is doing a Fitness Challenge starting in October with some prize money involved, so that should help motivate me! I do really enjoy the P90X videos, but lately it has been so hot outside (and inside our house), that I can never get myself to do it. Also, I don’t have the DVDs, so I think I might ask for those for my birthday…

On Friday night, we were both kinda tired, so we decided to watch a movie on Netflix. One of the streaming options was “Whip It”. It has the girl from Juno in it and it was a really cute move. It felt really indie – but I like movies like that. You should check it out – especially if you have Netflix. It is about the Roller Derby.

The next morning, we went to Golden Harvest downtown to help serve lunch at the Masters Table with some people from our small group. At the Masters Table, we serve the people like they are at a restaurant – which was a pretty cool idea. We had a good turn out of volunteers (we actually had too many – which I guess isn’t such a bad problem!) Turns out, they need a lot more help during the week (between 10:00-1:00) than they do on Saturdays. But we had a great time learning more about the ministry and getting a chance to spend some time with people from our small group outside of church. 
On Saturday, we hung around the house, getting some of our “Maintenance Items” done like laundry, cleaning, bill paying, grocery shopping, etc. Then we watched the infamous UGA vs. USC college football game. We recently cancelled cable and were left without many option to watch the game! Luckily, ESPN3 came on, and after some research, we discovered that we could use PlayOn on our Roku to get ESPN3 on our TV. We were pretty impressed with ourselves that we got the game on the big screen without paying for cable!!! 
On Sunday, we had more time to relax and do yard work. I read an article in the Augusta Chronicle that said you should water your trees and bushes with a bucket of water (not just a sprinkler) since it has been so dry lately and the sprinkler water doesn’t go deep enough for those plants. Well that little project took a least and hour. I also did some weeding while Jason clean his car inside and out and even waxed it! It was a beautiful day outside and not too hot, so we really enjoyed being outside. 
On Sunday night, we decided to watch another movie (this one inspired by the 2 week free trial we have of Epix on our Roku). We watched “Morning Glory” which I first saw in Charleston with my mom and sis. The movie is totally hilarious and fun to watch. The main character is a Type-A-to-the-Max morning show producer played by Rachel McAdams. This movie flew a little under the radar when it came out, but I definitely recommend it! 
Until next time,

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