Bachelorette Adventures in Breckenridge!

After a spending a few fun-filled days with my family in Hilton Head, I headed to Atlanta on Wednesday morning to fly to Denver to celebrate Amy’s wedding festivities! Amy is my best friend from High School and I was so excited to get to be a part of her special day! Best of all, there were lots of other fun activities leading up to the wedding that I enjoyed with her and her other bridesmaids.

Wednesday was a big travel day. I woke up early to make it to Atlanta in time. It took about 4 1/2 hours to drive, plus I had to stop on the way to pick up a last minute gift for Amy. I made it to the airport with time to spare, and spent an hour or so eating lunch and getting ready to board. *Side Note* I was a big ditz and booked the flight to Denver for the week AFTER Amy was going to get married! Luckily I was on the phone with her one night a few months before the wedding and realized that I had booked my flight a week too late! After an hour or so on the phone with Travelocity Customer Service, I was able to change my flight – for a hefty $100 fee! Next time I will be MUCH more careful when booking flights – for some reason I thought that there would be no fee involved! *Side Note #2* I’m started to get REALLY annoyed with all the airline fees! I had to pay like $40 just to check a small piece of luggage – really!!!!?

So, after a yummy lunch of Atlanta Bread Company in the airport – and a nice phone conversation with Jason (about all the things I was missing in Hilton Head 🙁 ), I boarded the plane. After some time spent with “The Heart of the Matter” (okay…not as good as “Something Borrowed” or “Something Blue”), I made it to the Mile High City I had heard so much about! Amy was there to pick me and Colleen up. It was great to see both of them and me and Colleen were lucky to have the bride-to-be drive us up to Breckenridge (about 2 hours from Denver – where our cabin for the Bachelorette Weekend was).

 When Colleen, Amy, and I arrived at our AMAZING cabin, we were greeted by bridesmaids Becca, Heidi, and Katie with lots of Bachelorette paraphernalia. Here’s Colleen, Amy, and Heidi getting ready to make our sushi dinner!

 Makin’ Sushi…

 I learned a lot about making homemade sushi…still need to convince Jason that raw fish can be tasty 🙂


Jamming out to Pandora along the way… 
 Becca was the sushi master…

 Amy and Colleen cutting the sushi with the dullest knife ever! 
 Katie, Becca, and Heidi getting ready to dig in! 
 Me with the bride-to-be and Colleen
The ski lift / course right outside out door 
The cute cabins from the outside 

 After lots of talking and staying up late, we headed to bed. The cabin really was adorable. It was right off the ski lift- but we got it for cheap since it was the off season.

The next morning, we had pancakes for breakfast and got ready to go kayaking. I wish I could remember the name of the place that we went… The lake we kayaked in was absolutely beautiful. It was surrounded by mountains. The crazy thing was that it was COOL outside – like highs in the 70s! Plus, the water was cold! I never really did get used to this, given that I had just left like 100% humidity Hilton Head with highs in the 90s and water that was super warm.

 We saw some ducks diving in head first for their lunch! 

 The girlies

 Obligatory “jump” photo
We put flowers in our hair… 
 Amy and Maid-of-Honor Katie (she’s from Atlanta and we rode the same flight on the way back!)
 Me and my partner Colleen
 Walton Girls reunited! 

After our kayak ride (mine and Colleen’s boat had a mind of its own and kept going in circles…haha), we had a picnic lunch and then headed back to the cabin, and spent some quality time at the hot tub. Who knew that in August I’d be anywhere cool enough to be in a hot tub in the middle of the day!? The cool temperatures were a bit misleading and we all got sunburned! After that, we helped Amy out with some last minute wedding crafts. Amy, Colleen, and Becca made two hand-made garters that ended up being adorable! The rest of us helped paint some chalkboard directions signs for the wedding and reception.

Working diligently. *Note to Self* buy some of that chalkboard paint – it’s awesome!
 Trying on the garter! 🙂 

 All decked out! 

That night, we went out for Thai food to celebrate Amy’s last nights as a single lady! We then came home, gave her some bacheloretty gifts – sorry, no pics! 😉 The next morning, we proved what amazing bridesmaids we were with a 4 mile run (more than a mile above sea level! – FYI – that’s TOUGH for us Georgia Gals!)

Next Up – all about the Wedding! Stay tuned!

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1 Comment

  1. The last short plane trips I made (El Paso in 2006 and NYC in 2007), I didn't check any baggage–I had a big carry-on, the kind that has wheels and an extendable handle. It could hold everything I needed for 4-5 days.

    (I call it "the drag bag.")

    If you and Jason bought one for each of you, you could avoid the checking fees on future trips.

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