After a fun weekend with the fam in Atlanta, on Monday-Wednesday, I stayed in Atlanta to attend the Online Marketing Summit Conference at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead. I learned a ton for my job and really enjoyed it! After long freezing cold days in the hotel (don’t understand why they waste so much on AC!), I got to goe a few walks with mom which was fun. Kristen and Ben came over a few times too to hang out and play games – I know we played Bananagrams at some point… I also took the opportunity of being in Atlanta to spend WAY too much time at DSW in search of the perfect shows. For some reason, that store totally sucks me in, I just can’t stop trying on shoes! I finally found a really cute pair of nude Tahari pumps. On Wednesday, I rushed home to Augusta to closed on our first
Rental Property. Isn’t it cute?
After closing, I changed switched gears and attended a Stella and Dot Party at my friend Marie’s house (Check out her AWESOME food blog here). Stella and Dot had SO MUCH cute stuff!
I ended up buying these little Soiree studs to go with my gold long necklaces…
On Thursday, we bought some rehab stuff at Lowe’s for our rental house and bought a refrigerator. Jason also had some more studying to do for Finals. Lucky for me, Jason’s summer break came at a great time for
the rental house – he was able to work on the a lot over the last two weeks and we knocked the whole thing out quick. THANK YOU JASON! You know the way to my heart!
Weekend of July 22-24th
On Friday, we hung out with Paul, Shannon, and baby Christian and watched Seinfeld. On Saturday, we did a lot of work on the rental house, had some people come give estimates of different work we needed done – like replacing the top panel of the garage door, fixing the fireplace, etc. Our friend James came over and helped Jason out with the upstairs toilet that was giving us some grief. I was so proud that Jason learned how to fix everything – so I don’t ever have to do it! ๐
That afternoon, our friends the Jeffcoats, had a baby shower for their little boy Harrison who is due in September. It was a co-ed shower, so Jason finally got to experience the wonderful food that can only be found at a baby shower! It was a lot of fun hanging out with friends and meeting some new people as well. On Sunday, we went to church, Jason did his LAST weekend of studying – for at least 10ish months, and we went back over to the rental house to do the best part of all – YARD WORK! Actually, it was pretty cool to see what a quick transformation was done with a few hours of some SERIOUS weeding and garbage removal. I’m kicking myself now that I didn’t take before and after pictures! But needless to say, I’m pretty impressed with the speed at which we can weed, de-garbage, prune, and pinestraw a bed!
That week, Jason had his final final, I went to Greenville for work, and Jason had his last test- a take home one. Plus, unlike normal other weeks, we spent evenings doing stuff at the rental house and showing it to people. And with that, another week bites the dust!