What Did We Do in July? Off to a Boring Start…

So what did the Baaremans do in the month of July? Well, we certainly didn’t blog! ha!

Apparently I’m failing at this whole “Use the blog to keep my memories alive” thing. Plus, now that I’m 25, I’m losing brain cells rapidly and find it hard to remember things. But I’ll give it a shot anyways…

July 4th Weekend
At the beginning of July, we went to the Lake House to celebrate the 4th. Because there are fireworks involved, the 4th is Jason’s favorite holiday.

July 8-10th Weekend
The next weekend, we spent lots of time cleaning our house inside and out because we thought it would be our last chance to do so. We thought that we would be closing on our first rental property on July 15th, and that Jason’s parents were going to come visit us the very next weekend. So we mowed, edged, weeded, swept the back porch, washed our cars, cleaned the inside of the house, etc. During this time, I also got a laptop for FREE! About a year ago, my laptop died when its video card literally melted the motherboard. I took it to a local computer repair guy, who told me it was pretty much a lost cause, unless I wanted to buy a new motherboard – which I did not. Instead, I just shared Jason’s laptop until we got our very own Macbook! About a week after my laptop died, I got a little postcard in the mail, telling me that my laptop had been involved in a lawsuit and that I was entitled to a new laptop! I filled out all the necessary paperwork and was really excited about it, but after 3-6 months of waiting, I gave up on it. So, needless to say, we were pretty shocked when the laptop came in the mail – and happy when we made $250 off of it on Craigslist!

Other happenings that weekend involved watching Transformers 2 – which I promptly fell asleep to, taking the Highlander to the Toyota dealership to get a variety of things fixes (windshield wipers, funny noise, oil change, etc.), going to Michael’s to buy a frame for a wedding photo, and Jason discovering a $25 gift card FROM HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION IN 2004! Yes – that boy doesn’t know how to spend money – good thing he found me! With that $25, we got Jason a few polo shirts at Target. The rest of that week involved a small group meeting with folks from church, working, studying for finals, and some random bike rides, walks, and exercising thrown in. Plus, I have spent lots of time this month reading “The Help” – a great book which I am trying to finished by the time the movie comes out on August 10th! So, now you know how boring our weekends are when other people are at the beach! No really, sometimes I gotta admit that I love these laid back weekends at home with the hubby. 🙂

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