Week Recap: Jam-Packed Week & 100th Post!!!!!

I can’t believe we did it! We made it to Post #100! I feel like we should celebrate or something! You know, I have really enjoyed this whole blogging thing. I thought that my writing juices were long since gone – left in my younger days of journaling. But once I got started, it wasn’t that hard after all! I encourage everyone out there to start a blog. It really isn’t that hard. Just go to www.blogger.com and get started! Just this past week, I have had two friends start blogs of their own and I’m so excited to start reading! Side-Note, I toyed with the idea of using either WordPress or Tumblr, and I am SOOO glad that I used blogger. They come out with cool new features almost everyday and you can “follow” your friends blogs and stay up-to-date easier. Trust me- it’s the best!

At first, we tried to make our blog full of useful ideas and tips. However, we soon ran out of “cool” ideas and started to just blog about our average, ordinary lives. Now, I love that I can look back over the last 8 months and see detailed descriptions and pictures of what we have filled our 24-7 with. Turns out, we arent’ that boring after all! 🙂 In all honesty, I decided to start this blog after seeing my poor, neglected camera hanging out in my drawer one day. I realized that I hadn’t taken a photo in like 6 months! Plus, the camera was nice and new – what a waste! I figured if we started a blog, we would feel like we HAD to take pictures, or that there would be more purpose to taking our pictures. Well, turns out, unlike many other goals and ideas that never come to fruition, this one actually worked! Plus, after enlisting the help of Jason to come up with a cool blog name and to join me as a fellow writer- things started going even better!

So anyways, here’s to 100 more!

So back to our week recap…this week was a rare one in the fact that the week was MUCH busier than the weekend! On Monday, we had separate girl’s/guy’s hangouts instead of our typical Monday night bible study. We had some good quality bonding time – the girls over nachos and margaritas, and the guys over pizza and Settlers of Catan. On Tuesday, I drove to Greenville for a meeting at one of my company’s client locations. It was a nice time just to hang out in the car, listen to Dave Ramsey and David Platt (I’m weird and like to listen to people talk when I’m driving over music…), and eat some awesome Subway on the drive home. On Wednesday, one of my work friends invited us over along with some other people for some amazing food – grilled key lime chicken, fruit kabobs, and more. We had lots of fun hanging out on a week night and I even got trapped in her water sprinkler on the way out – long story… Anyways, on the way home, Jason and I got caught in a crazy, unsuspected wind-storm/turned rainstorm. While we were driving, the wind started going crazy and sand and dirt started hitting our little green civic so hard that we could hear it. Before we knew it, branches and pinecones were flying everywhere and the sky got really dark. The traffic lights were spinning around so fast that we could hear the sweaking sound in our car. Combine that with lots of thunder and lighting and we were happy to get home safe! We were really lucky in the fact that we didn’t lose power. Even though most of our neighborhood (and 35,000+ Augustans did), we never lost it at all! We were really thankful for the rain when it did eventually come. We have been trying to keep our lawn alive with every-other-day waterings but it was about to make us go broke!

On Thursday, my co-working Stephanie and I got invited to go to a special dinner with work at the Augusta Country Club. We had a great time with some fellow MAU employees and enjoyed a delicious meal. We got to know each other better by trying thinking of a funny story between the ages of 10-15. It took me awhile to think of something, and I was beginning to think that I had led a way-to-safe, dull life, LOL! But, I finally remembered this time when I was around 14, right after we had moved to Atlanta that my sister and I were hanging out with my grandma at her house. We couldn’t drive, but I convinced her to step out of her comfort zone and drive us to Michael’s, so I could get some supplied for my latest craft project. On our way there, my Nana, went over a curb and made one of her tires go completely flat. The next thing I knew, my sister and I were running through Michael’s asking anyone and everyone for help. When we couldn’t find any volunteers, we had the bright idea of crossing Cobb Parkway to get to the nearest gas station. After asking around for help, a man pumping his car with gas volunteered to help. When we told him our car was across the street, he told us that he would drive us there. As stupid and naive as we were, we happily hopped in his car! He must have been an angel in disguise, because he drove us over to our car and fixed everything for us. Crazy story, I just wanted to write it down in case I forgot it….

On Friday, I had a presentation at work on the business benefits of Linkedin at the Manager’s Meeting. After that crazy week, lots of work projects, and preparing for my presentation, I was dead tired by the time Friday night rolled around. Jason and I had a low-key night and just watched a movie, went on a walk, and had some pizza.

On Saturday morning, we had an inspection for a rental house that we are currently under contract for! YAY! We are really excited about having our first investment property on our own! The inspection went really well, so for now, we are just waiting until July 15, when we can close and get to work on making a few improvements/fixes to the place before renting it out! After  the inspection, we got some fresh bread and an amazing cinnamon roll from the Lil’ Dutch Bakery. Their bread is absolutely amazing!

On Saturday night, we hung out with Paul and Shannon, ate some lasagna, and watched “Fun with Dick and Jane”. Good Times! 
On Sunday, we went to church, cleaned the house (much needed),  called our dad’s for Father’s Day, and did some normal-life stuff like the budget, going through mail, and paying bills – probably not blog worthy, but hey – it can take up your entire afternoon! We ended the day with a nice long bike-ride and reading. I have to mention that I recently finished an awesome book – “Something Blue” and am currently reading “Something Borrowed”. Both books are great page-turners. 
Until next time,

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1 Comment

  1. Congrats on your 100th post! Y'all really did have a busy week. And I can't wait to read Something Borrowed, I have it on hold at the library!

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