How to Make Your Blog Mobile Friendly!

In my marketing job, we have recently been talking a lot about “Mobile Marketing”. Since more people access the web via their cell phones than ever, it is really important that you make your website easy to access via all different types of cell phones and mobile devices (aka Nook, Ipad, etc.)

In the world of business, it could cost many thousands of dollars to convert your company website to a “Mobile-Friendly” website. Knowing this, it made me SUPER excited when blogger announced that it was going to make most of its blogger templates go MOBILE!

What does this mean? It means that with the click of one button, I can turn my blog from this:

to this:
The mobile version of our blog is SOOO much easier and faster to navigate, plus, now when people are using Facebook on their iPhones or smart phones, and they see a link to our blog, it will show up in just a second, vs. taking minutes to fully download everything on the full-blown version of the site. So how did I do it? Well, today when I first logged into blogger, this handy message popped up:
So I clicked “Turn on mobile templates.” If you don’t see this message, simply go to “Settings”, click “Email & Mobile”, then under “Mobile Template (beta)” click “Yes. On mobile devices, show the mobile version of my template.” You can read more about these crazy cool updates on the Blogger Buzz Official Blog. They even have a video on their Blogger YouTube Channel all about how to update your blog to mobile
And, it’s not just Mobile Templates that those Blogger peeps have been up to. They have also recently added Geotagging which let’s you publish the location of your blog posting: 
They also recently added my favorite – Dynamic Views. You gotta watch the cool video below all about it. In short, you download “Blogger Dynamic Views” to your Chrome Browser (if you don’t already use Chrome- you must use it now! Download here). Once you download it, the little orange blogger symbol will show up on any blogger blog. By just clicking the button and selecting your view, you can automatically view any blogger blog in 1 of 5 different formats. Everything happens automatically. It’s so cool. 

Here’s our blog in all versions:
Snapshot View
Flipcard View
Mosaic View
Sidebar View
Timeslide View
Blogger Dynamic Views Video 
So that’s it! All I can say is – what will they think of next? This definitely assures me that I picked the best when I picked Blogger over WordPress for hosting my blog! 🙂

I’ll close with a REALLY cool Infographic from Microsoft Tag that has some pretty eye-opening stats about Mobile usage.

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