So Last Weekend, May 14-15th, we did lots of fun stuff. On Friday Night, we went to Relay for Life with my company, MAU Workforce Solutions. MAU had a large tent and some ladies from our company put a lot of effort into decorating it for the Hollywood Theme. We were treated to some AMAZING BBQ from the BBQ Barn in North Augusta. This is definitely where Jason and I will head when where in the mood for some good BBQ pork. We got there around 6ish and hung around until about 10. We enjoyed the chance to hang out with lots of cool people from my work and their significant others. We walked around the track a few times and enjoyed seeing the Survivors take a few laps. We also walked around all the other booths to see their decor and different items they were selling. MAU sells light up stuff to raise money for the cause. This year, we sold light up necklaces, light up glasses, and glow sticks. They were all a hit and we raised more money this year than ever before! Here are some photos from the night.
Posted inWeekend Recap
Weekend Recap: Relay for Life, Single Mom’s Oil Change and More!
The next morning, Jason and I volunteered for a ministry our church does once a quarter called the “Single Mom’s Oil Change.” Our church bought an old car dealership that was located next to the church property about a year ago, and the property works PERFECTLY for the event. We had wanted to help out for a long time, but we kept having things come up on the weekends they were doing it. On Friday night, we realized we hadn’t contacted anyone about wanting to help, so I sent an email at like midnight to see if they still needed people. Sure enough, the event organizer emailed me at 6:30am on Saturday morning saying they always need more people! I wasn’t real sure about what they could use Jason and I for, since neither of us had any clue about how to change oil, but we had heard that they could use people with or without experience. When we showed up at 8:30am, there were already over 70 women that had showed up needing their oil changed. They put me and Jason to work right away – they taught me how to direct cars and that became my job, and Jason was paired up with a more experienced oil changer… That day over 115 single mom’s got a free oil change, heard the gospel, and even got breakfast for them and their kids. It was a really cool event to be a part of and even made me want to learn how to change oil myself! 🙂 Here’s a pic from the newspaper.
After the oil change, we came home, had a quick lunch and then started weeding the yard. Here’s our CRAZY azalea bushes. After about an hour of trying to tame Mother Nature, lots of bug bites, sweat, and itchy legs, we called it quits. We got most of the way there. I still need to trim the bushes a little more and we will reveal the “after” photo hopefully early this week. I know you are all dying with anticipation! 🙂
After weeding, we ran lots of errands – this normally takes a fair amount of time on our weekends. We ended up at Target and the mall in hopes to find some shorts for me. Unfortunately, all the shorts I could find were about 2 inches long – and no, I don’t want to look like a teenager when I’m 25, so I decided to pass…. After that, it started to rain and Jason and I headed to get some Pizza from Papa Johns and had a relaxing evening at home listening to the thunder storm.
The next day, we went to church and had lunch with the Berryhills and the Jeffcoats from our church Small Group. Right after that, I headed to Myrtle Beach for the start of a work conference. After I arrived and set up the MAU conference booth, I headed to a nice dinner with some work colleagues and clients.
So there is another weekend in the books. At least this time its recorded on this blog! 🙂