After a brief blogging hiatus – I’m back! Spring Break 2011 was a lot of fun – well at least as much fun as it can possibly be when you work half of the week and your hubby is out of the country!
After spending the night with friends on Monday and Tuesday, I left for my parents’ lake house after work on Wednesday. Despite all the talk that I had heard about traffic being “awful” during the week of Masters, I was happy to not run into much trouble – I just avoided Washington Rd. like the plague. On the way home, I got to talk to my friend Catie who moved to Virginia after her wedding last November. It was good to catch up with her. I also got to catch up with my friends Julianna and Amy that week. I realized that even though I’m not a great phone talker – I really need to make the extra effort to keep in touch with my close girl friends. I don’t live close to most of them any more, and it is definitely worth the time and energy to keep in touch.
When I arrived at the lake house, they had just gotten power back after a storm that had whipped through the area the night before. They were almost going to head back to Atlanta, but luckily, GA Power had come to the rescue about an hour before I arrived. We promptly had s’mores and hung out on the porch.
Our cousin Eliza came to hang out too for a few days and Stormy and her had a great time together. : )
On Thursday and Friday, we all just hung out by going on walks together, going in the boat, reading outside, playing with the kids, etc. Kristen was there on Thursday, but had to work on Friday. We went to town on Friday to Johnny’s Pizza to celebrate her new job! I absolutely love pizza and like to have it at least once a week – so it was really fun to go out with the family. Plus we got these sugar and cinnamon dough balls for dessert that don’t look that great – but were delicious!!!!
Headed out for a walk. This was actually one of the scariest walks of my life! There are TONS of dogs around the lake, and normally they don’t bother us at all, but this time, since we had Stella and Roxy with us, we probably had on average about 2 big dogs charge us at each house that we passed! Sometimes I really wonder why people don’t tie up their dogs, or at least leave them in the back yard!
Here’s my dad with a big stick ready to protect Roxy who was being attacked by much bigger and scarier dogs!
Relaxin’ in the boat on a beautiful, sunny day!
Me and my sis
Mom and her favorite dog – Roxy! Isn’t she cute with her paw on my mom’s arm? 🙂 She loves riding in the boat with us. But this trip, she fell into the water while boarding the boat and swam under the dock to the sea wall! Luckily my dad was nearby and scooped her out of the water! Needless to say, it took her about a day to get her courage up to go back into the boat!
At Johnny’s Pizza with Lucas and Kristen
Dough balls! Aren’t they so photogenic?
One of the days that we were there, I spent some time helping my dad try to fix the boat with some recurring problems it had been having. This meant that I had to learn how to dock the boat myself and even drive it onto the boat lift! All of these things were REALLY hard and it took me lots of tries to get it right. Well, we found out later that the reason it was so hard was that one of the engines was not functioning! In their boat, there is a right engine and a left engine, and if one of them is out, it makes it really hard to steer. Well, that made me feel a little better.
Since the boat was malfunctioning, we spent a LOT of time on the other boat – the kayak. Once the kids found out that I would go with them, I probably went on 3 kayak rides a day, one with each of them. I was quite sore by the end of the trip – but it was lots of fun spending time with them in the beautiful weather.

By Saturday, I was REALLY excited and ready to see Jason – I hadn’t seen him in an entire week! Plus, I was ready to hear all about his trip. My mom and I spent a few hours at the Outlet Mall in Locust Grove before I traveled the rest of the way to Atlanta to pick Jason up. It was great to see him and hear all about the trip. The first thing he wanted to do was take a shower and clean his clothes because he had only been able to take one or two showers (one of them cold) the entire week! Plus, he had set the team record for “lightest packer” so all of his clothes were super dirty by the time he landing in Atlanta. We had a nice dinner with my parents since the kids were already in bed. On Sunday, we spent some more time in the boat – which had been semi-fixed at this point.

After lots of fun tubing, and hanging out, my family went back home on Sunday afternoon. Jason and I stayed at the lake house on Sunday night because our house in Augusta was still occupied by Masters renters. We enjoyed our time together by going on another kayak ride, sitting on the dock, and watching the final rounds of the Masters. All in all, it was a great spring break!