So like lots of other people, Jason and I have been inspired to use the beginning of 2011 to clean and organize our lives. The first spot on this tour is organizing our digital files.
The story goes like this: I had a laptop that I got near the end of college. We decided to spend hours going through our music and unifying both of our collections into one iTunes library. Unfortunately, a few short months after this project, my computer died (of a broken motherboard). A few days later, I got a postcard in the mail telling me that I entitled to a new laptop, since my old laptop was part of a Class Action Law Suit! This is A. Great News – because this means that I get a free new laptop – B. Slightly annoying because we were hoping to get a Macbook instead – and I am getting a new HP laptop, and C. A big test of patience, because we have no clue when the new laptop will arrive and in the meantime all of our music has been hiding away on a external drive. This story = we can’t load any new music to our ipods :(.
So we had the bright idea to use our one desktop computer for the hub of our music and video collection – since we hope that it has a longer lifespan. So I am now in the process of transferring all of our music files from the external drive to our desktop. Then I will TRY to sync up our ipods and my iphone with it. *crossing fingers*
In other technology news, I found out over Christmas break that my iphone’s wireless card no longer funtions. My mom meanwhile got an upgrade from her old iphone to a new iphone 4, and she graciously decided that I could use her old one – that has a functioning wireless card. After a very insightful trip to the Apple store, and asking the Apple Geniuses TONS of questions. I came back home armed with the courage to try switching iphones and moving all my data from my phone to my mom’s old phone. This was very scary since I have tried this before and only ended up with an empty phone without any of my contacts on it! Luckily, I was actually successfully and everything transferred over like a charm.
One small problem – once I got everything uploaded correctly, we realized that my mom’s battery was basically shot. Like it dies in 30 minutes if used consistently! In an effort to fix my situation, I am re-transfering all my data and files BACK to my original iphone, since I decided that a long-lasting battery is much more important than a wireless card.
Anyways, I know that I probably sufficient bored all of my readers. I just wanted to document these technology woes so that about a year from now I can look back, see all my beautiful functioning devices (including the Macbook we are saving for) and breathe a huge sigh of relief that it is all over!
What about ya’ll? Have you ever pulled your hair out trying to re-sync up itunes libraries? Only to be told that you have already synced to your maximum allotted 5 computers!
Also, I have to give some props to that helped me with my syncing woes.
You can de-sync computers! You just have to have them still working to do so… (Or maybe there is a work-around for this). Anyway, take all of your old computers and go into iTunes and click on "deauthorize this computer."
Hi Michael – thanks for the helpful hint…I'm trying "deathorizing" right now!