On November 6th, one of my best friends, Catie Davenport (now Thompson) got married. I was so happy and privileged to share in her special day as a bridesmaid. Here’s a pic of Catie, Julianna and me. I got to know Catie when she moved into our apartment my Junior year. We had so many fun memories of staying up late talking together. I miss both of these girls so much now that I don’t get to see them everyday! I am so happy for Catie and Charles and got to see their whole love story unfold from beginning to end. Congrats Catie!
This fall and winter are turning out to be huge wedding months! Tons of people I know have chosen this time of the year for their big day. Before Catie’s big day, Jason and I braved Friday evening Atlanta traffic by leaving work and school early in Augusta. We made it to the rehearsal, although we were a little late. After the rehearsal at Johns Creek Baptist Church we enjoyed an amazing home-made dinner prepared by Charles’ mom. the dinner really reminded me of Thanksgiving because everyone was seated at one long table, the room was warm and cozy, and the food was absolutely delicious! Here’s a pic of the bridesmaids – minus Hannah who had to leave early 🙁 .
Roomies Reunited!
That night, Julianna trekked over to Marietta with Jason and I and we enjoyed some time together. The next morning we were up early and left for the church where we got ready and waited for Catie and photographer.
Catie arrives and is greeted by her grandmother and the cute little flower girls.
Finally the pictures were done and the wedding was here! At 2pm Catie and Charles became husband and wife. The ceremony went off without a hitch. Here’s some pics of the reception…
The cake Catie made for Charles
The garter…
Jason, Julianna, and I
The boquet toss
Off they go!
Congratulations Catie and Charles!