Things about Lucy I want to remember:
- You love your little sister. You ask for her every night so you can kiss her goodnight. You kiss her twice, once on the top of the head and once on the cheek. You are still a little rough with her, most of the time innocently, but I have to keep my eye on you when you are with her. The only exception to this is when you are watching TV and are totally focused in on it.
- You now give hugs and kisses to people and hugs and kisses to Mommy and Daddy every night.
- You love to pray before our meals. If we forget, you remind us to “pray” (things in parentheses are things you say). We all hold hands to pray.
- You like going places and going shopping. You prefer to walk around or at the very least sit in the back of the cart, but so far you haven’t proved you are ready for this freedom. You went a little crazy in the “back” of the cart (sitting on the edges, taking everything out of its packages) when we tried it, so you have to sit in the front for now.
- You love crafts. You really light up any time we do a craft with you or let you “paint”.
- You aren’t really big on toys right now which has been a challenge for us. If I’m doing chores, you would rather tag along and be my little shadow while looking very bored ;/
- You do great at nursery for Sunday Mornings, Wed Night, BSF on Wed mornings, and MOPS every other Tuesday morning. I have been your Sunday School teacher during the 2nd hour this year. Of all the kids I have noticed that you LOVE crafts and activities more than most, you are lighter/smaller than most, are more assertive than most and you still have a little trouble pushing and shoving to get a toy you want or getting to the sink to play with the water.
- You are the world’s best sleeper! You sleep from 8:00 pm to 7:00-30am every night. You normally nap from 1:30-3:30. Lately you have been skipping naps a few days a week, but I have you stay in your bed for 1 hour if you don’t fall asleep and let you look at books. Then after 1 hour you can play in your room by yourself for about 15 min before you can come out. So far that has worked pretty well in getting you at least a little down time during the day.
Things Lucy says!
- “Ruh-Ruh” = the barking sound a dog makes. You says this for dog. Your favorite “Ruh-Ruh” is Roxy. You call Roxy “My Ruh-Ruh”
- “Where go me?” – for playing peek-a-boo. In general you like to talk like Yoda.
- “Gigi and Pops house”. This sentence was said a lot in anticipation for our visit over Thanksgiving.
- “Gamma Gamma” – Grandma and Grandpa (The Baaremans). You said “Gamma Gamma my how” a lot to talk about them coming to visit your house.
- “Nigh-Nigh” = going to bed. If you are tired you say “My Nigh-Nigh”, if you don’t want to go to sleep – normally at nap time it is “No Nigh-Nigh”. You are starting to say more sentences like “No My Nigh Nigh”. “Baby sissy Nigh Nigh”, ect. You also call beds “Nigh-Nigh”, like “Mommy Daddy Nigh Nigh” for our bed.
- You can say names, you said my name “Laura” yesterday, and can also say Gigi, Pops, Roxy, Bridget, Lucy, etc.
- You call cars “Go” “My go”, “mommy’s go”, “daddy’s go”, etc.
- You love talking about shoes. You have “blue shoes”, “ligh (light) up shoes”, “white shoes”, “boots”, etc.
- “No go daddy” – When you don’t want Jason to leave
- You know that daddy eats an “apple” every day for lunch so you say “eat apple daddy” a lot even when daddy isn’t even home.
- “I Cold” for when you are cold, “I hot” most of the time when sunlight is shining on you.
- You love tv so we hear these requests “Baby Animal Tee-Tee” for Charlotte’s Web (your favorite), “Dora” “Baby Tee-Tee” for Creative Galaxy and “Blue Fox” for Tumble Leaf.
- You still love going “Outside” and you know to put on your shoes and coat to go outside.
- You still love baths “Baa”
- You know most animal sounds. Lately you’ve been doing a lot of monkey sounds “ohh ohh ahh ahh”
- You call your squeeze packs of applesauce “my baby food” and when Bridget eats you say “Baby Sissy Babyfood” and you like to pull up a chair to watch her.
- You love to read your “Bible” before bed each night
- “Where go (insert person’s name here)?”
- Polite phrased we have been working on: “Help Please” “Help Me” “Excuse Me” “Please”
Lucy, I’m so blessed to be your Mommy. You are learning so much and growing up so fast. I’m blessed to be able to witness it every day.